
英国《国家校长标准》:背景、内容与特征 被引量:3

National Standards for Headteachers in England and Wales:Background,Contents and Characters
摘要 导致英国《国家校长标准》产生的主要背景因素是英国校长培训中存在的问题和政府的教育改革主张。在内容上,最新的2004年版本阐述了六个关键领域。本文结合其背景及内容的分析,探讨了这一标准所具有的特征,以及对我国关于校长标准的研究与实施的启示。 Two important factors are concerned with the development of National Standards for Headteachers (NSH) in England and Wales. One is the problems in the training of head teachers, and the other is the educational reform of the government. The contents of the NSH in the new version of 2004 include six key areas. On the basis of analysis of the background and the contents of NSH, we can identify its characters. The analysis of NSH has important implications for studying and implementing the standards for head teachers in the related field in China.
作者 涂元玲
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期46-50,共5页 International and Comparative Education
基金 2009年北京教育学院院级课题"英国国家级校长专业资格培训课程研究" 2009年北京市优秀人才资助项目"英国校长培训课程研究" 项目编号:PYZZ090428001140
关键词 校长标准 校长培训 英国 Standards for Head Teachers Training of Head Teachers England and Wales
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