
光栅表面太阳能电池吸收特性及其优化 被引量:2

Absorptance Properties of Solar Cells With Grating Structured Surfaces and Optimized
摘要 本文从电磁场理论出发,运用时域有限差分方法(FDTD)研究了硅太阳电池表面光栅结构在电池工作波段的吸收特性,讨论了光栅深度对光谱特性的影响。为得到更好的吸收效果,优化了太阳能电池表面的光栅结构,加强了电池表面对太阳光的吸收,提高了电池的效率。 Based on electromagnetic field theory,the absorptance properties of silicon solar cells with grating structured surfaces throughout the whole battery work band were numerically analyzed, by means of finite difference time domain(FDTD) method.The effects of the grating depths were discussed.And the grating structure was optimized to acquire better absorptance and higher efficiency.
出处 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期816-818,共3页 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.50936002)
关键词 太阳能电池 光栅 吸收率 效率 solar cells grating absorptance efficiency
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