两座50000m 3 油罐分别由137 根桩所支承,桩穿过34m 厚的软土而持力在倾斜率分别为31% 和46% 的岩层斜面上。在水平地震荷载下,对长度不一的群桩基础受力计算的结果表明,当桩的长度大于4/α时(α为桩的变形系数),群桩中的每一根桩桩顶所承受的剪力(或弯矩)几乎相同,剪力值约88kN,而弯矩值大体上为210kN·m ,它们与桩尖处岩层倾斜面的存在无关。可是,对桩的竖向轴力分布而言,岩层面的斜率不同,会导致轴力分布上的很大差异,这在设计时须予以重视。
In thispaper,theanalysisofpilefoundation oftw o 50000m 3 oiltankssupported on inclined rock bed (31% and 46% ofinclination) under horizontalseism ic load is pre sented. The resultofthe caculation show s thatthe shear(bending m om ent) atthe top of every pileisalm ostthesam e, in dependantofthevariation ofthepilelength, ifthe length ofpiles is taken asgreaterthan 4/α(α deform ation factorofthe pile) in the finiteelem ent m ethod ofcalculation. How ever, in case ofverticalload applied on the pile, largerdiffer ence willexistdue to the slope ofinclined rock bed.
Structural Engineers