目的了解酒泉市手足口病流行特征,探讨科学的防控措施。方法采用描述性流行病学分析方法,将数据录入Excel软件进行统计分析。结果 2008年5月—2010年6月全市共报告手足口病1206例,重症病例报告1例,无死亡病例,发病率为119.15/10万,7个县、市均有发病,以敦煌市发病率最高,为383.70/10万。每年5~7月份为全年发病最高峰,病例主要集中在1~5岁年龄组,占71.64;男、女性别比为1.211,发病主要分布在散居儿童和托幼儿童,各占46.43和36.24。实验室检测表明,引起酒泉市手足口病流行的病原体以EV71为主,占63.27。结论加强疫情监测报告和宣传教育力度,养成良好的个人卫生习惯是手足口病防控的关键。
OBJECTIVE To know the epidemiological characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease(HFMD) in Jiuquan City and to explore the scientific strategies and measures for the prevention and control of HFMD.METHODS The descriptive epidemiological method was used and the data was recorded into SPSS to have a statistical analysis.RESULTS 1 206 cases were reported in the whole city from May in 2008 to June in 2010,and one severe case,no death.The total incidence was 119.15/lakh.HFMD cases were found in each district(county) of the city,of which the Dunhuang City has the highest incidence(383.7/lakh).The season peak appeared from May to July.Most cases were one to five years old children and accounted for 71.64 in total cases.The male to female ratio was 1.211.Most cases occurred to scattered children(46.43) and the children in nursery schools(36.24).According to the lab tests,EV71 was the major pathogen of HFMD in Jiuquan City,which accounted for 63.27 of all the cases.CONCLUSION Enhancing the epidemic monitoring,reinforcing the public education and developing good hygiene habits are the critical preventive measures for HFMD disease.
Chinese Primary Health Care