

Study on Optimization Bud Differentiation Medium of Colyledon Nodes in Upland Cotton
摘要 以陆地棉百棉1号为材料,离体培养子叶节,对芽分化培养基中6-BA和KT的使用浓度进行了优化;6-BA和KT浓度各设置(0.5、1.0、2.0、2.5、3.0、5.0 mg/L)5个梯度,比较了单独使用6-BA、KT和2种激素组合时对诱导多芽发生的差异;结果显示,单独使用6-BA对诱导芽分化效果较好,单独使用KT可以在芽分化的同时,诱导根的生成。组合使用两种激素时,效果优于单独使用;组合使用1.0 mg/L 6-BA+2.0 mg/L KT时效果最佳。 Upland cotton Baimian No.1 was used as the test material,and cultured section of the cotyledon in vitro.Experimental objectives was to find the best combination of shoot differentiation medium.6-BA and KT hormones were set 5 various concentration gradients(0.5,1.0,2.0,2.5,3.0,5.0mg/L),the difference on the induction of multiple shoots were compared by alone 6-BA,KT and two hormone combinations.The result showed that the 6-BA alone played a key role on inducing buds differentiation,and KT alone not only could induce bud differentiation,but induce root differentiation.The induction effect of 6-BA and KT combination was better than that of single hormones,and the induction effect was the best of 6-BA 1.0mg/L+KT 2.0mg/L.
出处 《种子》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期34-36,41,共4页 Seed
基金 河南省教育厅自然科学研究计划项目(编号:2009A210005和2010B210008)
关键词 百棉1号 子叶节 丛生芽 丛生芽诱导 baimian No.1 cotyledonary node multiple buds multiple shoot induction
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