
荷兰社会住房的发展经验及其启示 被引量:10

A Review of the Development of Social Housing in Holland
摘要 荷兰是欧洲乃至世界上利用社会住房(类似于我国的公共租赁住房)成功解决住房问题的国家之一,在社会住房开发与运营管理方面积累了丰富的经验,为我国公共租赁住房建设及其制度完善提供了有益的启示。今后,我国在公共租赁住房发展及其制度完善过程中,应当充分考虑公共租赁住房供给与管理的系统性,积极鼓励非盈利中介组织的发展,促进金融制度创新以确保公共租赁住房融资来源的稳定,对公共租赁住房进行合理布局和选址,注重公共租赁住房的质量,以及加强对公共租赁住房的立法等。 A well-working social rental housing system is a basic experience of solving the housing problem successfully in the Netherlands.This article summaries briefly the development process of the Dutch social housing;then it gives a deep research on the development experience of Dutch social housing,including the supplier,service groups,sources of financing,the role of government,and then further analyses the problems of social housing;Finally,this paper discusses the policy implications of Dutch experience to the development of public rental housing system in China.
作者 胡金星 陈杰
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期147-151,156-157,共5页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 社会住房 住房协会 公共租赁住房 荷兰 social housing,housing association,Holland
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