设计部门早期组建的计算机网络多采用 N O V E L L 网10 M 共享模式, 随着信息量的增大, H U B 和服务器之间的细缆就成为“瓶颈”, 传输速度极慢, 经常发生阻塞; 这种窄带宽网络已不能满足工作需要, 网络扩充升级势在必行。河南省水利勘测设计院采用主干网100 M 交换接100 M 共享和10 M 共享的混合网络带宽模式,既充分利用原有的网络设备, 又能满足设计院最近几年对网络的要求, 是性能价格比最优的扩充方案。目前该网络已投入使用, 运行情况良好。该院的局域网升级扩充方案对勘测设计行业目前面临的局域网改造具有借鉴意义。
Most of the computer networks for design sector in the early stage adopted a shared pattern of NOVELL network with the capacity of 10M With the increase of information amount, the fine cable between HUB and server has become a 'bottle neck' which makes the transmission speed very slow so that the data transmission often blocks Therefore, such narrow band network cannot meet the needs of design work so the expansion and staging of network are imperative The Henan Provincial Water Conservancy Investigation and Design Institute adopts a mix network band pattern of connecting main network of 100 M swap with branch network of 100 M share and 10 share Such pattern not only could make full use of the original network equipment but also could meet the requirements of design institute in recent years so it is a expansion alternative with the optimum ratio of performance to price At present, such network has been put into use and its operation is very good This staging and expansion scheme of local network for the institute provides the reference for the local network transformation faced by investigation and design sector at present
Water Power