

Development of the United States and the Gulf Region the Evolution of Relations between Peoples and Nations(Ⅰ)
摘要 美国自上世纪70年代才开始全面介入海湾地区事务,这比美在欧洲和东亚都晚;此后美迅速确立和发展了在该地区的主导地位。但美在海湾的主导地位的突出特点为,它是和平地同原地区外部支配性力量实现主导角色换转的,是逐步加强的,是以多层次方式深入的。与曾经控制海湾地区的帝国强权奥斯曼和英国不同,美国不仅从双边关系,还更多从中东地区和全球战略来看待并掌控海湾。在全球化趋势影响下,以阿拉伯部落和伊斯兰教文化为基础的地区各国与美关系内容不断丰富,对外关系多元化,对美形成更多的挑战,但短期内美的主导地位不会根本动摇。 The United States started its comprehensive involvement in the Gulf regional affairs in 1970′s,which was much later than it did in the regions like Europe or East Asia.Yet it established its dominant status in the regional security system much faster and more solid.The main characteristics of this American dominance in the Gulf reflect the facts that US obtained its dominance largely through peaceful means with the former regional power the United Kingdom,though yet resort to force later from time to time.The US also enhanced its leading role the region in a gradual and multi-layers way,as it needs to accommodate itself with the local political tradition of tribal society.In the current trend of globalization,the regional countries with its Arab tribal and Islam cultural tradition paid more attention to diversify their external relations,which gave US more challenges in maintaining its regional dominance.
作者 岳晓勇
出处 《湖北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第2期96-102,共7页 Journal of Hubei Minzu University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
关键词 海湾 部落 民族国家 美国 主导地位 the Persian Gulf tribes nation state the United States dominant status
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