目的:探讨白内障囊外摘除联合人工晶体植入术后并发后囊混浊的有效治疗。方法:对39例42只眼白内障囊外摘除联合人工晶体植入并发后囊混浊,应用 Nd Y A G 激光进行混浊的后囊膜切开。结果:激光治疗后视力在05以上22只眼(5238% )。治疗前05以上视力3只眼(749% ),视力明显提高。结论:应用 Nd Y A G 激光治疗人工晶体术后并发后囊混浊是非手术治疗且并发症少的有效方法。
Objective:To study the effective treatment in posterior capsular turbidity after extra capsular cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation.Methods:Nd YAG laser was used in incision of turbid posterior capsule complicated after extracapsularcataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation in 42 eyes of 39 cases.Results:The visual acuity of 22 eyes (52.38%) was 0.5 or over 0.5 after Nd YAG laser treatment.The visual acuity of three eyes (7.49%) was 0.5 or over 0.5 before treatment.The visual acuity rose obviously.Conclusion:The treatment of posterior capsular turbidity complicated after intraocular lens implantation with Nd YAG laser is an effective method of unoperative treatment which has less complications.
Journal of Norman Bethune University of Medical Science