
FDI的产品内贸易效应研究——理论及对中国的经验分析 被引量:1

Intra-product Trade Effect of FDI:An Empirical Analysis on the Case of China
摘要 在Helpman(1984)关于垂直一体化跨国公司的理论分析基础之上,构建了旨在解释FDI与产品内贸易关系的理论模型和计量模型。之后以中国为例,利用中国与其七大外资来源国的双边总贸易、产品内贸易以及FDI等数据,对流入中国的FDI所产生的产品内贸易效应进行实证分析。结果表明,流入中国的FDI对双边总贸易和产品内贸易均有显著影响,但前者的影响要甚于后者。据此认为,如何抓住产品内分工下的产品价值增值环节国际梯度转移的历史机遇,通过利用FDI进一步融入产品内国际分工体系,实现向产品价值链高端攀升、提升国际分工地位、获取更多的贸易利益,应是中国今后进一步大力利用外资的重要方向。 Based on the framework analysis of the vertically-integrated multinational firm developed by Helpman (1984) , this paper establishes the theoretical and econometric model for analyzing the relationship between FDI and intra-product trade. Then by using the data on total bilateral trade and intra-product trade between China and seven main countries from which China absorb FDI, the an empirical analysis is made on the relationship between absorbed FDI and intra-product trade in China. The results show that absorbed FDI in China has a positive and sig- nificant impact on both total bilateral trade and intra-product trade. Accordingly, the paper believes that how to grasp the new opportunity of intra-product specialization and improve its position in international division of labor by utilizing FDI should be one of most important considering factors.
作者 戴翔
出处 《石家庄经济学院学报》 2011年第2期1-7,共7页 Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"后危机时代中国开放型经济发展方式转型研究"(10YJC790039)资助
关键词 对外直接投资 产品内贸易 生产分割 FDI intra-product trade fragmentation of production
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