

A Review on Frontiers of the Contestability Theory
摘要 进退无障碍理论认为,在不考虑信息不对称和策略性行为的前提下,只要不存在沉没成本,潜在进入者就能对原有在位企业构成强有力的约束,市场最终能趋于完全竞争的均衡状态。进退无障碍理论是完全竞争理论的推广和一般化,它的主要贡献在于解决了存在规模经济和范围经济的情况下多产品产业的均衡问题,在众多经济学家的争论中不断得到完善发展。 The contestability theory describes that taking no consideration on asymmetric information and strategic be- havior, potential entrants will be able to pose strong threats to the incumbent as long as there are no sunk costs, and the market will eventually achieve the equilibrium of perfect competition. The main contribution of the contest- ability theory is to solute the multi-product industry equilibrium in case of the economics of scope and scale. The contestability theory, which is the promotion and generalization of the perfect competition theory, is becoming perfect in the debate of many economists.
作者 吴刚
出处 《石家庄经济学院学报》 2011年第2期33-37,共5页 Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics
关键词 进退无障碍市场 可维持的产业结构 沉没成本 拉姆塞最优 contestability theory sustainable industry configuration sunk costs Ramsey optimality
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