报道了华能某电厂1 000MW超超临界机组锅炉化学清洗的实践,介绍了清洗系统与流程、清洗工艺及主要监控数据、清洗及钝化结果;提出了清洗施工中的几条经验。检查结果表明:除垢率>95%,钝化膜均匀致密,腐蚀速率为0.48g/(m2.h)平均腐蚀总量为4.80g/m2,无残留氧化物,无过洗现象和镀铜现象,整体效果优良,为同类型超超临界直流锅炉的化学清洗提供了经验。
This article is mainly about the chemical cleaning of a Huaneng power plant with 1 000MW ultra supercritical unit at capital construction period. Cleaning systems and processes, main monitoring data, cleaning and passivation of the results are introduced. Some chemical cleaning experiences are proposed. Results showed that corrosion rate (0. 48g/( m^2 · h) ) and corrosion total quantity (4. 80g/ m^2 ) is little than the required standards in DL/T794 - 2001 . No residual oxides, no wash-off phenomenon and no copper phenomenon, uniform and dense film is on the metal surface . In conclusion, the result is beyond well, that provided some lessons and experience for the future in the country in the type of supercritical once-through boiler chemical cleaning.
Cleaning World