
双寡头核心能力发展竞争、学习追随与核心能力均衡 被引量:4

The Duopoly's Game of Core Capability Development,Following Strategy by Learning and the Equilibrium of Core Capability
摘要 寡头是复杂的能力与知识系统,寡头核心能力发展竞争,实质上是独特知识积累的竞争。本文构建的双寡头核心能力发展与学习博弈模型表明,寡头学习类型、学习策略选择、学习努力水平、学习追随与初始知识积累水平,决定双寡头知识积累,进而决定核心能力发展均衡;博弈竞争条件下寡头学习追随可能导致学习无效。 The oligopoly is a complex knowledge and capability system.The development of oligopolies' core capabilities,in essence,is the competition of the accumulation of particular knowledge.In the paper,we build up a duopoly game model in combination with the oligopoly's core capability development and learning game.The model shows that the type of learning,the choice of learning strategies,the effort level of learning,the following strategy by learning and the accumulation of knowledge at the start of oligopoly game,commonly determine the oligopolies' knowledge accumulation and the equilibrium of their core capabilities development,and that the following strategy by learning may lead to the no-effect of the learning under the condition of game competition.
作者 肖绍平 邓超
机构地区 中南大学商学院
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期87-96,共10页 Management Review
基金 湖南省社会科学基金百人工程项目(05BR22)
关键词 核心竞争力 创新性学习 追随模仿性学习 博弈均衡 core capability innovative learning following of learning game equilibrium
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