报告分子外流源L1211 中新发现的12 个近红外HH 天体.在L1211 的~4’区域,取得了JHK’宽带和H2 v = 10 S(1) 发射线窄带的近红外图像.分析表明,新探测到的许多红外源与浓密分子云物理成协,其中有20 多个源表现出典型的T Tauri 星、Herbig Ae/Be星和原恒星的红外超.L1211 中的IRAS点源没有被观测到,可能是更深地埋于分子云中.对红外观测和分子线观测消光估计的比较显示,小于2μm 的近红外观测还不足以揭示深埋于分子云的整个年轻星团.根据近红外HH 天体的形态分布和红外源性质,能进一步证认这些HH 天体的激发源.其结果表明,L1211
We report the discovery of 12 HH like objects in the molecular outflow source L1211. The infrared images in the JHK′ broad bands and H 2 v=1 0 S(1) narrow band are obtained over a ~4′ field in the region. Many infrared sources are detected to be physically associated with the dense molecular cloud, and among them, more than 20 sources exhibit infrared excesses typical of T Tauri stars, Herbig Ae/Be stars and protostars. The IRAS source in the region has not been detected, so probably it is more deeply embedded in the dense cloud. Comparison of visual extinction estimated by the near infrared images with that estimated by mm wave observations suggests that the whole cluster of embedded stars could not be revealed in the wavelengths shorter than 2μm. The morphological distribution of the HH like objects and the properties of infrared sources allow us to identify their exciting sources. The results show that multiple outflows currently occur inside the L1211 dense cloud.
Acta Astronomica Sinica