综述云南天文台“四波段(1420 、2000 、2840 和4000 MHz) 太阳射电高时间分辨率同步观测系统”在1989 年12 月—1994 年1 月期间所观测到的12 个射电脉动事件,发现在这些波段有多种不同特征的脉动现象,并在此基础上对脉动的形态、周期。
The twelve pulsation events recorded by the solar radio synchronous observation system of four frequencies (1420, 2000, 2840 and 4000 MHz) with high time resolution at Yunnan Observatory from Dec. 1989 to Jan. 1994 are investigated in this paper. Several characteristics of the microwave pulsations in this band are found, such as the long period (about 50 s) and short period (dozens of ms) pulsations. The morphology, period and bandwidth of pulsations are analyzed. A discussion of these characteristics is presented at the end of the paper.
Acta Astronomica Sinica