
拍卖、招标在国有建设用地使用权出让中的利弊研究 被引量:1

The Research on Comparasion of Aution and Bidding in the Process of Transferring State-owned Land Tenure
摘要 抑制房价过快上涨一直是当前宏观调控的重要目标之一。而地价作为组成房价的重要部分,其上涨状况直接关系到房价的调控效果。针对目前地价不断上涨的状况,国家草拟了《深化国有建设用地有偿使用制度改革实施方案》,已上报国务院审批实施。文件的主要内容是要对当前国有土地出让手段中拍卖和招标的比例进行调整,降低拍卖在土地出让总量中的比例、提高招标的比例,希望通过这一手段起到抑制地价的作用。然而,地价的上涨是一个复杂的过程,拍卖和招标作为两种出让手段,确实在其中发挥了一定的作用,但是其对地价的真正影响仍需要检验。同时,考虑到二者在出让过程中公开性上的差异,笔者认为,不能轻易调整二者比例,而是需要经过详细的比较验证过程。本文拟通过比较拍卖、招标两种土地出让方式在对推动地价上涨的效果、出让过程的公开透明度以及对土地价值实现程度的影响程度,分析推动地价上涨的其他原因,进而客观评价拍卖、招标作为出让手段的利弊,同时对当前政策给出相关建议。 It has always been one of the important objections for the macro-controling task to restrain the over-fast rising housing price.As an important part of the housing price,the situation of rising land price relates directly to the effect of the regulation.According to the situation of constant rising land price at the moment,revelant departments draft a document,which has been reported to the state concil for approval.The main content of the document is about adjusting the ratio that auction and bidding take,which are the two means of transfering the state land,lowing the ratio that auction takes while increasing the bidding's,hoping to restrain the land price in this way.However,the progress that land price rising is really complicated.As two means for transfer,auction and bidding do work in a degree in it.But the final effects are still to be checked.Meanwhile,given to the differences in openness and transparency between the two ones,we suppose that we shouldn't adjust the ratio rashly but take the job as an progress of specifying and comparing.In this article,we try to anylasis the other reasons for the rising land price by comparing auction and bidding on their effect in promoting the price,their openness and transparency in the transfer progress and the influence on realizing their value,so that we could evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of both way objectively,and provide our suggestions for the policy at present.
出处 《甘肃行政学院学报》 2011年第2期101-107,118-119,共7页 Journal of Gansu Administration Institute
关键词 地价 国有建设用地使用权 拍卖 招标 housing price right to use state-owned land auction bidding
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