利用日降水量资料和常规天气图资料,以1971—2000年30 a降水平均为气候态,统计2010年4—10月我国主要暴雨天气过程,并对各主要暴雨过程的影响系统、出现时段与范围、累积降水量进行概述。统计结果表明,2010年4—10月我国共出现192个暴雨日、32次主要暴雨天气过程;10月5日广东琼海出现当年全国单站最大日降水量(701.9 mm);5月,受乌拉尔山阻塞高压、贝加尔湖低压大槽、副热带高压以及高原东侧西南低涡影响,江南至华南出现持续性暴雨;10月,海南遭遇1961年以来最强暴雨过程,9月30日至10月8日海南连续性暴雨过程中,有3站过程累积降水量超过1 000 mm,最大降水中心(1 464 mm)出现在海南东部沿海的琼海。
Based on daily precipitation data and operational synoptic chart data,important heavy rain processes in China from April to October in 2010 were selected by comparing with the 30 a mean precipitation from 1971 to 2000,and a brief introduction on the synoptic system,rainfall occurrence time,rainfall area and accumulative amount of precipitation of these processes is presented.The statistical results indicate that there were 192 heavy-rain-day and 32 important heavy rain processes in China from April to October in 2010.The most serious heavy-rain-day occurred on 5 October in Qionghai of Guangdong province with a daily precipitation of 701.9 mm.A sustained heavy rain occurred in south of the Yangtze River and South China in May,affected by the Ural blocking high,Baikal depression,the subtropical high and the southwest vortex system on the eastern side of Tibetan Plateau.In October the most serious heavy rain processes happened in Hainan since 1961.In the heavy rain process from 30 September to 8 October there were 3 stations with a total precipitation above 1 000 mm and the maximum precipitation was 1 464 mm occurred in Qionghai,eastern shore of Hainan province.
Torrential Rain and Disasters
Heavy rain
Daily precipitation
Accumulative precipitation
Synoptic system