
私募股权基金的运作机理与价值创造 被引量:4

Operating Mechanism and Value Creating of Private Equity Funds
摘要 私募股权基金如何创造价值是私募股权基金运作和发展的关键问题。文章通过构建投资项目价值创造模型,对私募股权基金的价值创造机理进行研究,发现并非所有的私募股权基金运作都能够创造价值,其价值创造源于投资专家的无形资产、资金与优质投资项目的匹配。由于投资专家的无形资产在私募股权基金的价值创造过程中起到了决定性的作用,吸引最优秀人才进入私募股权基金是未来私募股权基金行业发展的关键。 How do the Private Equity Funds create value is an important problem.We approaching the studying of Private Equity Funds Value Creating Mechanism by setting up a Value Creating Model,which indicates that not all the deals by Private Equity Fund can create value.Value creating for our society only occurred when Private Equity Funds with enough export's invisible asset and capital meet good projects.As the export's invisible asset plays a critical role in the value creating mechanism of Private Equity Funds,how to attract outstanding experts will be a key point for the Private Equity Funds industry future development.
出处 《改革与战略》 北大核心 2011年第4期73-76,共4页 Reformation & Strategy
关键词 私募股权基金 运作机理 价值创造 Private Equity Funds Operating Mechanism Value creating
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