
螺旋升角对混凝土搅拌运输车搅拌筒内部流动影响的数值模拟 被引量:6

Numerical simulation of the effect of helix angle on the inner flowing of the mixing drum of concrete mixer truck
摘要 通过对三种不同螺旋升角的搅拌筒内部流场的数值模拟,分析了搅拌筒的内部流动情况,讨论了螺旋升角对搅拌筒性能的具体影响,为螺旋升角的合理选取、搅拌叶片设计理论的完善和后续研究工作提供了重要的理论依据。 Helix angle is a important design parameter,the value of which has direct effects on the performance of mixing drum.The inner flowing status of mixing drum was analyzed through numerical simulation of the inner flowing field of mixing drum with three different helix angles.The specific effects of helix angle on the performance of mixing drum were discussed.So it provides important theoretical basis for the reasonable selection of helix angle,the perfect of the design method of mixing drum and the further research work.
作者 李卫国 陈炜
出处 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2011年第4期197-198,共2页 Machinery Design & Manufacture
基金 2007年度镇江市产学研项目(镇财企[2007]9号)
关键词 搅拌筒 螺旋升角 数值模拟 Mixing drum Helix angle Numerical simulation
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