项目教学强调以工作任务为依托组织教学内容,以学生为主体开展教学活动。《Pro-tel DXP》是电气自动化技术专业的一门专业课,也是实用性极强的一门技能操作课,采用以工作过程为导向的项目教学法能够激发学生学习积极性和培养学生实践动手能力,实现《Protel DXP》课程的教学目标。
Project teaching organizes teaching contents based on tasks, carries out teaching activities based on students. This article combines actual situation of students and characteristics of Protel DXP, expounds feasibility of Protel DXP Project Teaching methods reform around the goal of vocational students and from the point of stimulating students'interest and training students'practical ability.
Journal of Kaifeng University