
儿童交通安全心理研究 被引量:4

A Psychological Research on Children's Traffic Safety Awareness
摘要 儿童交通安全问题是一个极受关注的领域。国外已经开展了大量儿童交通安全心理的研究,此类研究主要集中探讨儿童认知对交通安全的影响。研究发现,感知觉、注意和决策等心理因素方面存在的问题是致使儿童成为交通事故高发群体的主要原因。而我国在此领域的研究还较缺乏。因此,我国急需开展儿童交通安全心理的研究,以更好促进儿童健康成长。 The issue of children's traffic safety is a field attracting much public attention.A large number of researches on the child psychology of traffic safety have been carried out abroad.The researches,mainly focusing on how the children's cognition influences the traffic safety,have delivered the message that the psychological factors such as perceptions,attention and strategy,cause them to become the most vulnerable during the traffic accidents.However,the relevant research of traffic safety psychology of Chinese children was largely untouched.Therefore,the studies related to the children's safety in traffic should be made with fail in China to promote and secure the healthy growth of children.
出处 《衡阳师范学院学报》 2011年第2期160-162,共3页 Journal of Hengyang Normal University
关键词 儿童 交通安全 心理 Children Traffic Safety Psychology
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