
哮喘患者血清IL-12 IL-2的测定及临床意义

Clinical significance of serum IL-12 and IL-2 in patients with asthma
摘要 目的探讨在支气管哮喘发病中的作用与意义。方法采用ELISA法分别检测支气管哮喘急性发作期(30例),支气管哮喘缓解期患者(24例)和健康对照组(20例)血清中IL-12和IL-2水平,并同时测第一秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)占预计值的百分比。结果支气管哮喘急性发作期患者血清IL-2水平明显高于缓解期及健康对照组,IL-12水平明显低于缓解期及健康对照组,均有显著性差异。支气管哮喘急性发作期患者FEV1占预计值%明显低于其他两组,有显著性差异。血清中IL-2水平与FEV1占预计值%呈负相关,而IL-12水平与FEV1占预计值%呈正相关。结论 IL-12与IL-2可能是哮喘发病的重要因素之一,IL-12、IL-2的检测对于哮喘患者诊断治疗有重要意义。 Objective To study the role of serum IL-2 and IL-12 in patients with asthma.Methods The serum levels of IL-2 and IL-12 were measured by ELISA in 30 cases of asthma at stage of episode,24 cases of asthma at stage of remission and 20 healthy people.Forced expiratory volume in one second(FEV1) was measured in all patients as a percent of predicted value.Results The level of IL-12 in the attacking-stage asthma was significantly lower than the remission patients and healthy controls(P0.01).The level of IL-2 in attacking-stage asthma was significantly higher than the remission patients(P0.05) and the healthy controls(P0.01).FEV1.0pre was significantly lower than remission patients and healthy controls(P0.01).IL-12 level was positively related with FEV1.0pre(P0.05,r= 0.495),but negatively with IL-2(P0.05,r=-0.519).IL-2 level was negatively related with FEV1.0pre(P0.05,r=-0.527).Conclusion IL-12 and II-2 may be one of the important factors causing bronchial chronic inflammation.It is very important for diagnosis and treatment for asthmatic patients to measure serum IL-12 and IL-2 levels.
作者 马会平 李伟
出处 《济宁医学院学报》 2011年第2期108-109,122,共3页 Journal of Jining Medical University
关键词 支气管哮喘 白细胞介素12 白细胞介素2 asthma interleukin-12 interleukin-2
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