目的:探讨听力正常青年人畸变产物耳声发射( D P O A Es)的基本特征. 方法:用 I H S Version 3.2 型耳声发射仪对24 名听力正常青年人进行了 D P O A Es测试,测试内容包括 D P O A Es 听力图( D P O A Esgram ),输入/输出功能曲线( I/ O 曲线). 结果: D P O A Es 图呈双峰状、峰值位于1.4, 5.6k Hz 处. 不同个体间, D P O A Es 幅值有较明显的个体差异性. D P O A Es 幅值随刺激强度的增加而增加,阈值在 Lp 30 d B~50 d B之间. I/ O 曲线的斜率随频率的增加而增大. 结论: D P O A Es 幅值依刺激强度和频率而改变,不同个体间有一定差异性.
AIM: To discuss the basic properties of distortion product otoacoustic emissions(DPOAEs) in young subjects with normal hearing. METHODS: The DPOAEs were examined in 24 young subjects with normal hearing with IHS Version 3.2 Otodynamics Analyzer. The DPOAEs gram and I/O functions were recorded. RESULTS: The amplitude of DPOAEs gram had two peaks at approximately 1.4 kHz and 5.6 kHz and varied with individual. The amplitudes of DPOAEs increased as the primary levels increased and detection threshods of DPOAEs were between Lp 30 dB^50 dB. The slopes of the I/O functions increased as the frequencies increased. CONCLUSION: The amplitudes of DPOAEs change with primary levels and frequencies and vary with individual.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
distortion product otoacoustic emissions
evoked response