

The Items Emendations of Tang Long Lu,the Ya Yu Tang Edition Abridged from the Yin Yuan Edition——Also on the Reasons for Yuan Mei's Misunderstanding Tan Long Lu
摘要 袁枚《随园诗话》刊布以来,流传极广,为治清代诗学者案头必备,然此书关于赵执信《谈龙录》的评述却令人费解。王士禛与赵执信的论诗之争是清初诗坛上的著名事件,赵执信的《谈龙录》对王士禛的人品、学问、诗歌、诗学极尽嘲讽。而袁枚却说读《谈龙录》后,觉得赵、王论诗"无甚9牾"。此种言论显系误解《谈龙录》,不符合事实。袁枚误解的原因,当是袁枚所读《谈龙录》为卢见曾雅雨堂删节本。乾隆间,两淮盐运使卢见曾以乡邦后学身份刊刻《谈龙录》,为调和王、赵分歧,尽删赵执信攻讦王士禛之言。此种删节本"于执信著书之意,全相乖忤,殊失其真"。雅雨堂本《谈龙录》使袁枚产生误解,流弊及于今人,故亟需探清辨明,以杜误说。 Since the publication of Yuan Mei's Sui Yuan Shi Hua,it became as popular as a necessary reference book for scholars on poems in Qing dynasty.But his comment on Zhao Zhishen's Tan Long Lu is puzzling.The argument on poetry between Wang Shizhen and Zhao Zhishen was a famous event in Qing poetry history.Zhao Zhishen made full irony of Wang's personality,learning,poems and poetry in his Tan Long Lu.But Yuan Mei stated that he found "no conflict" between Wang and Zhao after reading Tan Long Lu,which is absolutely his misunderstanding and is not in accordance with the fact.The reason for Yuan's misunderstanding is that he read the bowdlerized Tang Long Lu,the Ya Yu Tang edition by Lu Jianzeng.In the age of Emperor Qianlong,Lu Jianzeng,the salt controller along the south and north areas of Huaihe River,printed Tang Long Lu,and he deleted Zhao's attacking words and sentences towards Wang in order to conciliate the divergence between Zhao and Wang."This bowdlerized edition is totally different from Zhao's intention and against the fact." Tang Long Lu,the Ya Yu Tang edition made Yuan Mei misunderstand the event and it still influences people today.So it is necessary to distinguish these two in order to correct the mistakes.
作者 陈汝洁
出处 《山东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第2期51-54,共4页 Journal of Shandong University of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 赵执信 袁枚 卢见曾 《谈龙录》 《随园诗话》 雅雨堂 因园本 Zhao Zhishen Yuan Mei Lu Jianzeng Tan Long Lu Sui Yuan Shi Hua Ya Yu Tang the Yin Yuan edition
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