
球赛新闻报道语篇中的战争隐喻——基于2008北京奥运会的语料研究 被引量:1

War Metaphors in Ball-games News Reporting
摘要 运用Fauconnier和Turner提出的概念整合理论,从认知的角度对球赛新闻报道中的战争隐喻进行初步探析,指出"球赛即战争"这一概念隐喻所涉及的两个输入空间,即战争空间和球赛空间,都囊括了参与者、过程、地点、策略和结果等共同的元素,从而形成了这两个心理空间之间大量元素跨空间映射的基础,二者之间还具有共同的组织框架,所有这些都投射到合成空间,从而完成了"球赛即战争"这一隐喻完整的概念整合。本文还借助于大量的、具体的数据充分证实了战争隐喻在球赛新闻报道中的普遍性及其绝对优势。 Based on the conceptual integration theory put forward by Fauconnier and Turner,the present paper aims to make a tentative analysis of war metaphors in ball-games reporting.The paper points out that the conceptual metaphor "SPORT IS WAR" involves two input spaces which have a lot of elements in common,such as participants,process,strategy and result and these elements are being mapped from the space of WAR to the space of SPORT.Moreover,with the help of a large sum of data,the paper proves that war metaphors are really pervasive and overwhelming in ball-games news reporting.
出处 《凯里学院学报》 2011年第2期155-157,共3页 Journal of Kaili University
基金 山东科技大学春蕾计划项目"球赛新闻报道中战争隐喻研究"(2009AZZ129)
关键词 战争隐喻 概念整合 球赛新闻报道 war metaphor conceptual integration theory ball-games reports
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