采用新型的喷射环流三相生物反应器,以牛粪浆作活性污泥源,粉煤灰为生物载体,研究了活性污泥法处理甲基紫染料废水过程。确定出该过程的最佳降解操作条件为:p H= 6.5~7.5,温度为 28 ℃,通气流量为 1.5 m 3·h- 1;降解过程的脱色率超过 94 % ,连续运行时 C O Dcr的去除率在 62 % 左右。实验得出甲基紫降解动力学方程式为: - d Sedt = 0.0936 X Se219+ Se (m g· L- 1·h- 1)
Degradation process of m ethyl violet w aste w ater through the activatedsludge treatm ent w as investigated in a new kind ofjet loop three phase bioreactors, usingcattle dung slurry as the source ofactivated sludge and the coalpow deras biologicalcarri er. The optim ized degradation conditions w ere determ ined as follow s: p H= 6.5~7.5,tem perature= 28 ℃, gas flux= 1.5 m 3 ·h- 1. The decolorized degree in this degradationprocess w as up to 94% , and the decrease of C O Dcr w as about 62% during the continuousdegradation process. The kinetic equation ofm ethylvioletw aste degradation w as obtainedby experim ents: - d Sedt= 0.0936 X Se219+ Se (m g· L- 1 ·h- 1) Keyw ords: activated sludge; dye w aste w ater; treatm ent of w aste w aterS T U D Y O N T H E B I O D E G R A D A T I O N O F M E T H Y L V I O L E T W A S T E W A T E R W A N G Yi ping, Z H A N G Jin li, S O N G Kuan xiu, W A N G En xiang( Schoolof Chem ical Engineering in Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China) A B S T R A C T: Degradation process of m ethyl violet w aste w ater through the activatedsludge treatm ent w as investigated in a new kind ofjet loop three phase bioreactors, usingcattle dung slurry as the source ofactivated sludge and the coalpow deras biologicalcarri er. The optim ized degradation conditions w ere determ ined as follow s: p H= 6.5~7.5,tem perature= 28 ℃, gas flux= 1.5 m 3 ·h- 1. The decolorized degree in this degradationprocess w as up to 94% , and the decrease of C O Dcr w as about 62% during the continuousdegradation process. The kinetic equation ofm ethylvioletw aste degradation w as obtainedby experim ents: - d Sedt= 0.0936 X Se219+ Se (m g· L- 1 ·h- 1)
Chemical Reaction Engineering and Technology
activated sludge
dye w aste w ater
treatm ent of w aste w ater