With XX company expanding of the fast consumer goods size,increasingly intensified competition with rivals.XX company sales team and partner with the growing sales channels also continue to expand in depth,the competition is no longer store the scramble,had transferred to the channels and marketing resources among snatch.Therefore,to keep abreast of sales,competitors,at any time to grasp the dynamics of marketing partners,rapid decision-making for marketing activities,approval and implementation of monitoring is essential homework XX company.XX involved sales management,marketing management,channel management,marketing XX core management processes,which rely on rapid information supply.Therefore,the establishment of marketing information based on WEB technology management platform it is very important.This paper constructs of marketing information management system to face the whole marketing team to realize the depth of the whole process of marketing management,marketing management XX plays an irreplaceable role.Which,combined with a large number of science and technology building intelligent technology subsystem integration and marketing process management processes,methods,companies in the FMCG and the whole manufacturing sector XX companies are good portability and scalability.
Computer CD Software and Application
Depth of marketing information management
Information platform