
人为干扰下宁夏贺兰山岩羊反应的群体差异 被引量:1

Group differences in responses of Pseudois naynaur to human disturbance in Helan Mountain,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
摘要 野生动物对人类的非资源利用性的干扰具有不同的反应,这些反应的差异依赖于物种自身和外界生境中不同的因子。2009年7—8月和2009年12月—2010年1月在宁夏回族自治区贺兰山苏峪口国家森林公园,选定95.87km2的调查区域内设四条样线,总长度为18.3km,通过观察岩羊的瞬时反应距离,比较了不同干扰源、群体大小和群类型下,岩羊无反应行为、警戒反应行为和逃跑反应行为距离的差异。结果表明:(1)相对于车辆,岩羊对行人的干扰更加敏感(U=8.69,P<0.001);(2)当群体大小分为≤3的小群和>3大群时,小群岩羊的警戒反应行为距离显著大于大群(Z=2.165,P=0.03),当群体大小分为≤5的小群和>5的大群时,小群岩羊的逃跑反应行为距离显著大于大群(Z=2.003,P=0.045);(3)雌幼群、雄性群和混合群这3种不同的群类型之间的无反应行为距离无显著差异,雄性群的警戒行为距离显著大于雌性群和混合群的警戒行为距离(Z=2.746,P=0.006;Z=3.589,P<0.001),雌性群的逃跑反应行为距离显著大于混合群的逃跑反应距离(Z=2.376,P=0.017);(4)混合群内的雌性和雄性的3种反应行为无显著差异。 Wild animals respond differently to nonconsumptive human activity and such variation depends on multiple factors.We explored the behaviors of Pseudois naynaur and recorded the distance of their responses in Suyu Kou National Forest Park,Helan Mountain,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region.We categorized their behavioural responses as no response,vigilance and flight and recorded the response initiation distance.We compared distances according to disturbance source,group size,group type and sex.Our results showed that Pseudois naynaur showed stronger responses to humans than vehicles.The distance at which the subject of the group was vigilant in small group(group size less than three)was significantly more than that of larger groups(group size more than three).The flight initiation distance in small groups(less than five)was significantly more than bigger groups.The distance of no response behavior did not vary between all male,female or mixed groups.The distance of vigilance behavior when the subject of the group first encountered the disturbance in male groups was significantly greater for female and mix groups,flight initiation distance in female groups was greater than that of mixed groups.In the mixed group,no significant variation on sex was found among all three types of behaviors.
出处 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期157-162,共6页 动物学研究(英文)
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划"973"项目的子项目
关键词 岩羊 人为干扰 干扰源 瞬时反应距离 群体差异 Blue sheep(Pseudois naynaur) Human disturbance Disturbance source Response initiation distance Sexual variation Group differences
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