
普通长翼蝠食性结构及其回声定位与体型特征 被引量:1

Dietary composition,echolocation pulses and morphological measurements of the long-fingered bat Miniopterus fuliginosus(Chiroptera:Vespertilioninae)
摘要 在普通长翼蝠(Miniopterus fuliginosus)的捕食区内用灯诱法和网捕法调查潜在食物(昆虫)种类;用粪便分析法鉴定普通长翼蝠的食物组成,发现其主要捕食体型较大的鳞翅目和鞘翅目昆虫,体积百分比分别为55%和38%。普通长翼蝠具有相对狭长的翼,翼展比为6.94±0.13;翼载为(9.85±0.83)N/m2,相对较大。飞行状态下普通长翼蝠的回声定位叫声为调频下扫型,声脉冲时程为(1.45±0.06)ms,脉冲间隔为(63.08±21.55)ms,主频较低,为(44.50±2.26)kHz。研究表明,普通长翼蝠的形态特征和回声定位特征与其捕食行为有着密切的联系。 We investigated food(insect)availability in foraging areas utilized by the long-fingered bat Miniopterus fuliginosus using light traps,fish netting and fecal analysis.The dominant preys of M.fuliginosus were Lepidoptera(55%,by volume percent)and Coleoptera(38%)of a relatively large body size.M.fuliginosus has relatively long,narrow wings and a wing span of 6.58±0.12 and high wing loading of 9.85±0.83 N/m 2.The echolocation calls of free flying M.fuliginosus were FM signals,with a pulse duration of 1.45±0.06 ms,interpulse interval of 63.08±21.55 ms,and low dominant frequency of 44.50±2.26 kHz.This study shows that the morphological characteristics and echolocation calls of long-fingered bats are closely linked to their predatory behavior.
出处 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期163-167,共5页 动物学研究(英文)
基金 国家自然科学基金(30800102)
关键词 粪便分析 食物种类 形态 普通长翼蝠 Fecal analysis Diet composition Morphology Miniopterus fuliginosus
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