
古城文化型景区旅游真实性实证研究——以丽江古城为例 被引量:3

Study on tourism authenticity of ancient cultural city——A Case of Lijiang city
摘要 基于旅游真实性理论和对丽江古城文化型景区进行的田野调查分析,探索我国古城文化型景区旅游者的旅游真实性结构情况,并进一步挖掘了古城文化型景区旅游真实性和旅游动机的内在联系。研究发现古城文化型景区旅游真实性总体上表现为客观真实性最高,依次为存在真实性、建构真实性和后现代真实性。古城文化型景区旅游真实性和旅游动机相关性总体上表现为知识功能动机、奖励最大化动机、最小化惩罚动机、自尊动机和自我实现动机逐步递减趋势;四类不同的旅游真实性与五类不同类型的旅游动机之间的相关性也表现出各自不同的特点。 On the basis of relevant tourism authenticity theories and questionaire analysis of Lijiang ancient city,this paper intends to find the authenticity structure of tourists in Lijiang ancient city and further explore internal relationship between tourism authenticity and tourist motivations.Through analysis of research results,conclusions are reached that authenticity in Lijiang ancient city is characterized with most objective authenticity,followed by existential authenticity and constructive authenticity,with the least postmodern authenticity tourists in the end.Conclusions concerning relationship between tourism authenticity and tourist motivations in Lijiang ancient city are also acquired,that five motivations,that is,knowledge function,reward maximization,punishment minimization,self-esteem,and ego-enhancement follows a downward trend,that relationship between four different types of tourism authenticity and five different types of tourist motivations in Lijiang ancient city shows diversified traits.
出处 《旅游研究》 2010年第4期22-26,共5页 Tourism Research
基金 云南省应用基础研究面上项目(2008ZC001M) 云南大学理(工)科校级基金项目(2008YB029)
关键词 丽江古城 文化旅游 动机 真实性 实证研究 Lijiang ancient city cultural tourism motivation authenticity case study
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