
Developing a Risk Assessment Model for Typhoon-triggered Debris Flows 被引量:2

Developing a Risk Assessment Model for Typhoon-triggered Debris Flows
摘要 A methodology is developed for interactive risk assessment of physical infrastructure and spatially distributed response systems subjected to debris flows.The proposed framework is composed of three components,namely geotechnical engineering,geographical information systems and disaster management.With the integration of slope stability analysis,hazard scenario and susceptibility,geological conditions are considered as temporary static data,while meteorological conditions are treated as dynamic data with a focus on typhoons.In this research,the relevant parameters required for database building are defined,and the procedures for building the geological database and meteorological data sets are explained.Based on the concepts and data sets,Nantou and Hualien in Taiwan are used as the areas for case studies.
出处 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第1期10-23,共14页 山地科学学报(英文)
关键词 Debris flow disaster HAZARD RISK VULNERABILITY Slope stability 风险评价模型 泥石流 开发 数据集中处理 地理信息系统 边坡稳定性分析 引发 台风
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