The influence of platform-switched abutment on stress distribution within the surrounding bone,fixture,abutment,and screw under various loading conditions were studied.Two 3-D finite element models representative of an implant-supported metal crown for the mandibular first molar and its surrounding bone were computed.Model A simulated the implant with non-platform-switched abutment and model B was for platform-switched abutment.A load of 100 N was applied vertically and obliquely at the center fossa,the tip of the buccal cusp and the distal fossa,respectively.The results show that the distribution of Von Mises stress in the two models is similar.When platform-switched abutment is used,the maximum Von Mises stress within the surrounding bone is lower;however,this value is higher within the fixture and screw.
The influence of platform-switched abutment on stress distribution within the surrounding bone,fixture,abutment,and screw under various loading conditions were studied.Two 3-D finite element models representative of an implant-supported metal crown for the mandibular first molar and its surrounding bone were computed.Model A simulated the implant with non-platform-switched abutment and model B was for platform-switched abutment.A load of 100 N was applied vertically and obliquely at the center fossa,the tip of the buccal cusp and the distal fossa,respectively.The results show that the distribution of Von Mises stress in the two models is similar.When platform-switched abutment is used,the maximum Von Mises stress within the surrounding bone is lower;however,this value is higher within the fixture and screw.
Funded by the National Key Technology R&D Program of China during the 11th Five-year Plan (No.2007BAI18B05)