阴极组件是微波器件的心脏部件,其连接技术水平对其性能和寿命具有极其重要的影响。根据Ru-B二元相图,设计了RuB合金钎料的化学成分,并进行了RuB合金钎料的制备、熔化温度及钎焊工艺等性能试验研究。结果表明:试验研究的RuB合金钎料的熔化温度为1 390~1 430℃;在母材W,Mo上的润湿性、铺展性能好,能完全润湿母材,铺展面积是放置钎料面积的10倍;采用RuB合金钎料钎焊W,Mo阴极组件,不会造成W电极污染和中毒,该钎料能满足W,Mo阴极组件的钎焊要求。
As a key part of the microwave component,the joining techniques of cathode assembly have great influence on the performance and the service life of microwave component.A series of Ru-B alloys were designed according to the Ru-B binary phase diagram.The preparing and brazing processes were investigated,and the melting temperature was analyzed by DTA curves.The results show that the melting temperature of Ru-B alloys was 1 390 ~ 1 430 ℃.They have good wetability and spreadability on the base metals of W and Mo with a spread ratio of 10.Experim ents found that the Ru-B brazing alloys are excellent in brazing the W and Mo component,because which can not cause pollution and poisoning of W electrode.The brazing filler metal can meet the brazing requirements to W,Mo cathode assembly.
Welding & Joining