
基于SD的技术并购协同形成过程研究 被引量:2

A Research Based SD on Technology-based Mergers and Acquisitions Synergy
摘要 以文献和案例为基础,采用问卷法搜集得出影响技术并购协同的主要因素,形成了一个基于Vensim的技术并购协同SD模型来模拟技术并购协同的形成机理,最后,利用该模型对技术并购协同主要影响因素的影响程度和方式进行了分析,发现技术进步速度、获取技术的创新程度、获取技术的工艺可行性、并购后企业的技术再投入、主并企业的知识管理水平、主并方和被并方的文化融合程度对技术并购协同结果的实现起到较大作用,同时,技术并购协同受多因素的共同和交互作用。 With the rapid development of knowledge and technology, a new technology-obtained acquisition approach - technology acquisition comes out. But as mergers and acquisitions are very risky and the output of technology makes technological mergers and acquisitions riskier, technological mergers and acquisitions synergy became the most important problem to be researched. Firstly, the affecting factors of technological mergers and acquisitions synergy are found out by questionnaires. Secondly, it set up a SD Model to simulate the interactive relationship of the factors and the evolution of technological mergers and acquisitions. Then, by using SD model, it depicts how and to what extent a specific variable affects the result of the synergy and how the variables affect the result together. Based on "system thinking", it provides a new approach to capture and control synergy opportunities
作者 王宛秋
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期11-18,共8页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
基金 北京市属高等学校人才强教深化计划项目"中青年骨干人才培养计划"(PHR20110814) 北京工业大学博士科研启动基金项目(x0011011201103)
关键词 技术并购协同 主要影响因素 系统动力学模型 technology-based mergers and acquisition synergy affecting factors SD model
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