
冲动-思考型儿童在拼图游戏中的问题解决及元认知差异 被引量:5

Individual Differences in Reflective-Impulsive Cognitive Style:Children's Problem Solving and Metacognition
摘要 以小学六年级思考型和冲动型儿童各32名为被试,通过考查儿童在完成不同难度拼图任务时的表现,探讨不同认知风格儿童在问题解决中认知活动和元认知活动的差异。结果发现:(1)在线与离线元认知监控均表现出认知风格与任务难度的交互作用。在简单和中等任务中,思考型的儿童运用更多的在线元认知监控,进行计划和检查的时间更长。离线元认知监控的差异只表现在简单任务中,思考型比冲动型儿童花费更多的时间进行预测和评价;(2)在问题解决结果上,认知风格不同的儿童完成任务的时间没有显著差异;(3)在问题解决过程中,冲动型儿童解决问题的操作步数多于思考型儿童;冲动型儿童更多地使用主体参照策略,而思考型儿童更多使用线索推断策略。 The present study examined the performance of children identified as reflective or impulsive on the three jigsaw-puzzle tasks with different complexity; explored the individual differences of problem solving and metacognition in reflective- impulsive cognitive style. The results revealed: 1 ) Interactive effect between cognitive style and task complexity was significant. The reflective children spent more time for ongoing and offline metaeognitive monitoring in simple task, for ongoing metacognitive monitoring in moderate task. 2 ) There was no significant difference on the results of problem solving between the two group children. 3 ) The impulsive children used more steps to solve the problems, and tended to complete the puzzle according the main structure, while the reflective children prefer inferring according the picture clues.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期241-246,共6页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 全国教育科学规划国家重点项目(ABA050001)
关键词 思考-冲动认知风格 问题解决 拼图策略 元认知监控 Reflective-Impulsive cognitive style problem solving strategy metacognitive monitoring
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