
病原微生物的体内诱导基因及相关研究方法简介 被引量:1

Technologies for in vivo induced gene induce
摘要 为适应复杂多变的宿主体内环境,病原微生物入侵宿主后常会调整自身基因表达,启动一系列在体外环境生存时非必需蛋白质的表达以确保其在宿主体内的存活、增殖甚至致病。这类仅在病原微生物进入宿主体内后才被诱导表达而在体外生长时不表达的独特基因称为体内诱导基因(in vivo induced gene,ivi gene)。大量研究表明,ivi gene往往与病原菌在宿主体内的生存和致病密切相关,是抗菌药物、诊断试剂及疫苗设计及研究的良好靶标。为找寻和鉴定病原菌的ivi gene,人们成功发展了多种研究方法和手段,包括依赖动物模型的信号标签突变技术(signature-tagged mutagenesis,STM)、体内表达技术(in vivo expres-sion technology,IVET)、差异荧光诱导技术(differential fluorescence induction,DFI)及不依赖感染动物模型的体内诱导抗原技术(in vivo induced antigen technology,IVIAT)等。本综述即针对ivi gene及其相关研究方法的原理、运用和优缺点进行简单的介绍。 The capacity to quickly and efficiently regulate gene expression has helped bacteria to survive and grow virtually every available niche in the biosphere,including the complex,dynamic in vivo conditions of host.To better understand the regulation of gene expression in vivo conditions and to further our understanding of microbial pathogenesis,some newly developed molecular and cellular techniques such as signature-tagged mutagenesis(STM),in vivo expression technology(IVET),differential fluorescence induction(DFI) and in vivo induced antigen technology(IVIAT) are designed to identify genes specifically expressed in vivo which are named in vivo induced gene(ivi gene).The purpose of this short review is to update the reader on the ivi genes and the principles,applications,superiorities,limitations of each method that may be helpful to investigators embarking on studies.
作者 黎庶 胡福泉
出处 《免疫学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期350-354,共5页 Immunological Journal
基金 传染病重大专项2008ZX10004-015
关键词 体内诱导基因 信号标签突变技术 体内表达技术 差异荧光诱导技术 体内诱导抗原技术 In vivo induced gene Signature-tagged mutagenesis In vivo expression technology Differential fluorescence induction In vivo induced antigen technology
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