Objective: Discussion first aid nursing in treats and cures seriously sends in the wound process the function. Methods.. Serious sends the sick and wounded to 164 examples to give maintains the respiratory tract unobstructedly, the rapid supplement blood volume,the prompt processing activity hemorrhage, monitors first aid nursing measures continually and so on life symptom, psychological nursing. Results:This group of 164 example patient uses the surgery curer 131 examples (to account for 79.88 %), the non-- surgery treats 33 examples (to account for 20.12 %), cures 136 examples after the treatment (to account for 82.93 %), died 28 examples (to account for 17.03 %). Conclusion:Gives seriously sends sick and wounded corresponding first aid nursing to be possi- ble to win the precious time for the rescue, but effective enhances sends the wound rescue the success ratio.
Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine
Sends the wound First aid nursing