
金水伏阳膏益脾健肾补肺气治疗copd60例临床观察 被引量:9

Liquid gold Fu Yanggao to benefit the spleen healthy kidney to make up the lung gas to treat copd60 example clinical observation
摘要 慢阻肺患者普遍存在抗御外邪能力低下免疫调节能力下降,对寒冷和气温变化极为敏感,常易感冒和继发感染,而引发病情的反复和急性加重.大量临床研究证实,慢阻肺急性加重患者约50%以上是由反复呼吸道感染所致.这显然与肺主宗气不足,肺卫之气不固存在着密切关系.所谓"邪之所凑,其气必虚".这就提示我们在慢阻肺急性加重期和稳定期都应注意提高患者全身和局部的防御功能,强化"扶正祛邪",以减少反复发作,提高防治效果有极其重要意义.笔者用"伏九贴敷疗法",即在三九乃至整个冬季进行穴位贴敷.它融合了中医学、时间医学、免疫学等诸多方面,以气相应,以味相感,通过药物对特定穴位的温热刺激,促进血脉运行,疏通肺络,以达到补益肺气、健脾益气、补肾纳气、止咳平喘的作用,能起到"秤砣虽小拨千斤"的作用.能起到"夏养三伏、冬补三九"的作用,显著提高人体抗病能力. The slow anti-- lung patient generally has the protection external injuries influences ability low immunity adjustment ability to drop,is extremely sensitive to cold and the temperature change,Chang Yi the cold and continues sends the infection,but in- itiates the condition repeatedly and the acute aggravation. The massive clinical research confirmation,the slow anti-- lung acute ag- gravation patient above 50% is approximately infects the result repeatedly by the respiratory tract. This obviously with the lung host ancestor gas insufficiency,gas of the lung health not firmly has the close relation. So--called "evil collects,its gas must empty". This prompts us all should pay attention in the slow anti-- lung acute aggravation time and the stabilization period enhances the patient whole body and the partial defense function,the strengthening "strengthens the body's natural resistance and removes harmful fac- tors", reduces manifests suddenly repeatedly, enhances the preventing and controlling effect to have the extremely vital significance. The author uses "to bend down nine pastes spreads the therapy" , namely carries on the acupuncture point in 39 and even the entire winter to paste spreads. It fused the traditional Chinese medlcine,the time medicine, the immunology and so on many aspects, by the gas phase should,feel by the taste,through the medicine to the specific acupuncture point tepid stimulation,promotes the blood ves- sels movement,dredges the lung to wind, achieved benefits the lung to be mad, to be good for the spleen the profit to be mad,to in- vigorate the kidney the role which the air intake, relieves a cough breathes heavily evenly, can play "although the steelyard weight slightly dials thousand tattles" the function. Can play "the summer to raise the end of summer,the winter makes up 39" the role,ob- viously sharpens the human body disease--resistant ability.
作者 田虹
出处 《按摩与康复医学》 2011年第6期183-184,共2页 Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine
关键词 金水伏阳膏 伏九贴敷疗法 慢阻肺 Liquid gold Fu Yanggao Bends down nine pastes spreads the therapy Slow anti-- lung
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