Objective:The discussion acupuncture and moxibustion therapy coordination function training after the front fork re- construction technique the main body felt restores treatment result. Methods: In front of the line the overlapping ligament reconstruc- tion technique patient 68 examples,after the technique stochastically for are divided the pure recovery training set and the acupunc- ture and moxibustion therapy coordination function recovery training set. After the technique latter 3 month--long recovery train- ing,uses the knee joint angle reconstruction law the restoration situation which felt to the main body to carry on the appraisal. Re- suits:After 3 month--long recovery trainings,all patient main body felt compares in front of the technique to restore(P〈0.05). In the pure recovery training foundation, the coordinate acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, is helpful in promotes the restoration which the patient main body felt(P〈0.05). Conclusion: After the acupuncture and moxibustion therapy coordination function train- ing may effectively promote the restoration which the patient front fork reconstruction technique the main body felt.
Chinese Manipulation and Rehabilitation Medicine
After the front fork reconstruction technique The main body after felt restores The acupuncture and moxibus-tion therapy Function training