This paper deals with the comparative study of the genetic properties of soils in arid tropical and subtropica regions of China. The results showed that, (1) as compared with the corresponding soils in humid regions all the soils in arid areas are the same in properties, with a weeker eluviation, higher pH and base saturation, a little difference between CEC and ECEC, a very low amount of variable negative charge, a high ferritization coefficient, low hydration coefficient, and low contents of active Fe and Al which indicates that the soil developing intensity is low. (2) Owing to the different hydrothermal condition the soils in various arid regions are different in their developing intensity. The developing intensity of the soils in various regions studied is in a desconding sequence of the soil in west Hainan (in ferrallitic stage)>the soil in Yuanjiang Yunnan (weak ferrallitic) the soil in Tianlin, Guangxi (parafereallitic)>the soil in Yuanmou Yunnan (fersiallitio)>the soil in Dukou, Yunnan (scallitic).
Acta Pedologica Sinica