
基于AES和ECC的混合密码体制 被引量:2

A Hybrid Cryptosystem Based on AES and ECC
摘要 近年来,有不少专家和学者致力于密码学的研究,并研发出相关的安全产品,为推动网络通信、数字签名等的发展作出了巨大的贡献.对称加密算法具有高速,高效和便于实现的特点,但它存在密钥分配和管理上的缺陷.而非对称加密算法具有密钥分发和管理简单,但是速度比较慢的特点.本文使用AES对称加密算法加密报文数据,ECC非对称加密算法生成数字签名,从而既保障了数据在网络传输过程中的安全性,又完成了数字签名.这种基于AES和ECC的混合体制可以有效提高信息传输的安全性和高效性. In recent years, many experts and scholars have worked at the study of cryptography and have developed related security products, which make the enormous contribution to the development of network communication and digital signature. Symmetric algorithm is characterized with high speed, high efficiency and easy implementation, but it has defects in key distribution and management. Asymmetric algorithm has simple key distribution and management, but its speed is slow. This paper uses AES and ECC to encrypt messages and create digital signatures respectively, which not only provide strong security guarantee in the course of data transmission, but also realize digital signature. This hybrid cryptosystem based on AES and ECC can effectively enhance the security and efficiency in data transmission.
出处 《科技信息》 2011年第9期39-41,共3页 Science & Technology Information
关键词 AES ECC 混合密码体制 AES ECC Hybrid cryptosystem
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