

Pharmacokinetics of photosensitizer m-THPC in rat models of liver cancer via orthotropicimplantation using Walker-256
摘要 目的探讨光敏剂m-THPC在原位移植性肝癌大鼠体内的分布和消除情况,为m-THPC光动力治疗肝癌提供参考和依据。方法大鼠尾静脉注射m-THPC0.3mg/kg后,采用荧光分光光度计法测定组织和血浆中的原形药物浓度,用PK—GRAPH程序拟合并计算药代动力学参数。结果m—THPC血药浓度-时间曲线符合二室模型,血浆分布半衰期(T1/2α)为1.18h,血浆消除半衰期(T1/2p)为22.57h。药物在大鼠体内分布广泛,各组织药物浓度均在40ng/g以上;其中肝脏组织浓度最高,肝癌次之,肌肉、皮肤组织相对较低,给药6h后多数组织药物浓度达到最高,24h后多数组织药物浓度有所下降,而肝癌药物浓度在24h达到最高,肝癌和正常组织药物分配比也达到最高。结论m—THPC在大鼠组织中分布广泛,血浆药物清除相对较快;给药后24h是肝癌光动力治疗的最佳时间窗。 Objective To study the pharmacokinetics, distribution and excretion of m-THPC in rat models of liver cancer via orthotropic implantation using Walker-256. Methods After an intravenous injection of m-THPC with 0. 3 mg/kg, the concentrations of m-THPC in biological specimens were determined by a fluorescence method. The data obtained were processed with PK-GRAPH pharmacokinetic procedure. Results The disposion of m-THPC in rat models of liver cancer Walker-256 was conformed to a two compartment model with Tl/2Cx = 1. 18 h, TI/213 =22. 57 h at the dose of 0. 3 mg/kg, m-THPC was shown to be widely distributed to the various tissues. There was a highest drug accumulation in liver and liver cancer, and lowest in skin and muscle. Ratio of m-THPC concentration in the Walker-256 tumor compared to normal tissue reach the peak 24 h after m-THPC administration. Conclusions m-THPC is distributed widely and eliminated at a rapid rate in Walker-256 rats. Twentyfour hours after m-THPC administration may be the best time for photodynamic therapy of liver cancer.
出处 《中华外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期341-345,共5页 Chinese Journal of Surgery
基金 国家“十一五”科技重大专项资助项目(2008ZXl0002-025) 上海市科委纳米专项研究资助项目(0952nm03600)
关键词 光敏感药 组织分布 药代动力学 原位移植性肝癌模型 Photosensitizing agents Tissue distribution Pharmacokinetics Orthotropic tumor model of liver cancer
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