
美国“民主联盟”战略对国际政治的影响 被引量:4

The American Strategy of "Concert of Democracies" and Implications for International Politics
摘要 美国"民主联盟"战略与推进民主战略密切相联,它是为维护美国霸权地位而设计的。如果该战略得以实施,其将对国际政治产生诸多方面的影响。首先,它不利于国际秩序朝着更加公正合理的方向发展。这主要表现在联合国的作用将因"民主联盟"的存在而削弱,或者被迫朝着美国所希望的方向而改革。与之相应,西方国家对国际事务的主导权将进一步加强,发展中国家的话语权将减弱。其次,该战略在中近期内不利于国际安全形势的改善。因为它会干扰"民主联盟"成员与非"民主联盟"成员在维护国际安全上展开真诚合作,制约西方大国同其他大国之间关系的健康发展,甚至还有可能刺激某些地区局势动荡乃至发生暴力冲突。最后,"民主联盟"战略不利于世界政治格局朝着多极化和非极化方向演进,它在客观上只是有利于美国增加其"软实力",促使其单极力量增强,而使多极力量与非极力量相对减弱。作者认为,这一战略不符合世界多数国家和人民的利益。 The American strategy of 'Concert of Democracies' is closely linked to the strategy of promotion of democracy.Designed to maintain U.S.hegemony,if implemented,will greatly influence international politics.First,it will prevent the building of a more just and reasonable international order,which is mainly reflected in the United Nation's role.The role of the UN will be weakened by the existence of 'Concert of Democracies',and the UN will be forced to reform at the will of the U.S.As a result,the Western countries will further strengthen their dominance in international affairs while the developing countries' discourse power will be weakened.Second,it will also hamper the improvement of international security in the near future.It might hinder the cooperation in maintaining international security between countries of 'Concert of Democracies' and countries not belonging to 'Concert of Democracies'.It will constrain the healthy development between the Western countries and other big powers.In particular,it may also incur instability and even violent conflicts in certain areas.Third,it will prevent the international political pattern evolving towards multi-polarization and non-polarization.It increases the U.S.'soft power' objectively,enhance the uni-polar structure,and weaken the multi-polar and non-polar strength relatively.Therefore,this strategy does not fit in with the interests of most of the countries and their people.
作者 刘建飞
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期42-57,156-157,共16页 World Economics and Politics
基金 国家社会基金项目<美国"民主联盟"战略研究>(批准号:07BGJ022)的阶段性成果之一
关键词 民主国家联盟 美国推进民主战略 国际秩序 国际安全 世界格局 concert of democracies,U.S.strategy of promoting democracy,international order,international security,world pattern
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