
巴尔喀什湖生态水位演变分析及调控对策 被引量:20

Analysis of Balkhash Lake ecological water level evolvement and its regulation strategy
摘要 针对巴尔喀什湖百余年来的湖水位变化与伊犁河三角洲生态环境退化问题,选取卡依尔干、卡上171km、卡普恰盖、乌斯热尔玛等4处水文站的长系列资料,对伊犁河干流径流沿程变化情况进行分析,比较了卡普恰盖水库建成蓄水前后其对水库下游河道径流变化的影响。研究结果认为,巴尔喀什湖的水位变化主要受流域水文情势周期性变化规律的影响。就近期的水位变化情况来看,并未出现生态灾难,水位呈回升趋势。卡普恰盖水库的兴建和伊犁河中下游水资源过度开发利用,对入湖水量和河道流量过程产生了重大影响,这是导致入湖水量减少和三角洲生态环境恶化的根本原因。最后针对湖水位长期变化动态特征和三角洲生态耗水要求,考虑非生态用水不断增长的现实情况,探讨了解决巴尔喀什湖生态环境问题的对策措施。 To explore the Balkhash Lake water level variation and environmental degradation of the Ili River Delta over the past one hundred years, this paper analyzed the observation data in four hydrological stations named Kayiergan, 171km at the upper reaches of Ukapchaga, Ukapchaga and Unshzharm on the Ili River, especially the variation of runoffs before and after the construction of Ukapchaga Reservoir. It showed that the variation of the Balkhash Lake water level was mainly caused by cyclic hydrologic variation of the Basin and the construction of Ukapchaga Reservoir. According to the recent water level variations observed, ecological disaster does not occur yet due to the increasing runoff in the past 20 years. The construction of Ukapchaga Reservoir and excess utilization of water resources in the mid-low reaches of the Ili River significantly affect the water quantity flowing into the Lake and its runoff process resulting in water inflow decrease and environmental degradation of the Delta. According to the dynamic variation characteristics of water level, ecological water consumption demand of the Ill River Delta, and the increasing non-environmental water requirement in the future, some strategy for environment protection in the Balkhash Lake Basin were discussed.
出处 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期403-413,共11页 Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
基金 国家科技支撑项目(2008BAB42B09)
关键词 巴尔喀什湖 生态水位 伊犁河三角洲 水文情势 Balkhash Lake ecological water level Ill River Delta hydrologic variation
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