

Study on optimization of preparative separation conditions of quercetin
摘要 为了快速、准确地寻求制备分离槲皮素的最佳操作条件,在非线性多组分色谱模型的基础上,通过人工补偿逆方法及二组分近似拟合确定多组分的非线性吸附等温线,以槲皮素的生产能力为优化目标函数,一定纯度和回收率为限制条件,结合板高的影响确定工作参数的初值与变化区间,进一步应用"二分法"优化进样质量浓度和进样体积。该方法减少了试验数量及目标样品的使用量,可以作为确定天然药物最佳制备分离条件的一种精确、高效方法。 In order to find the best preparative separation conditions of quercetin quickly and accurately,the multi-component nonlinear chromatography model and the inverse method of artificial compensation of approximate fitting two components are used to determine the nonlinear multi-component adsorption isotherms.The productive capacity of quercetin is regarded as optimized objective function,a certain degree of purity and recovery yield are regarded as restrictions.The initial value and changed interval of operating parameters are determined by the impact of the height of plates.The "dichotomy" is used to optimize the injected concentration and the injected volume.This method reduces the quantities of experiments and object samples,which can be used as an accurate and high performance method to determine the best operating conditions of Chinese medicine products for preparative separation.
出处 《辽宁科技大学学报》 CAS 2011年第2期144-148,156,共6页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Liaoning
关键词 非线性色谱 数学模型 槲皮素 人工补偿逆方法 优化 nonlinear chromatography mathematical model quercetin inverse method of artificial compensation optimization
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