

The preliminary study on foundation of club of activity after class tennis club in NanChang HangKong University
摘要 本文以体育专业网球专项学生为主体,创建课外网球俱乐部,使喜欢网球的在校生在课外活动中技术有指导性的提高,体育专业的学生在做教练的过程中,专业知识和技能得到了发挥和展示。在创建过程中不仅为体育专业学生的未来发展培养创新精神和实践能力,也为体育专业的发展提供一些可借鉴的经验。在掌握课外活动网球俱乐部创建的步骤及开展优势的同时,也为高校体育项目俱乐部的创建及开展提供参考性得意见。 This paper PE Tennis special student, to create extra--curricular tennis club, to enjoy tennis in school students in extracurricular activities, technology has guided the improvement of physical education students in the coaching process's the professional knowledge and skills The play and display. In the creation process not only for the future development of physical education students and creative spirit and practical ability, but also for the development of physical education to provide some useful experience. Extra--curricu- lar activities in control -- Steps to create a tennis club and the launch of advantages, but also for the creation of college sports clubs and have carried out observations of reference.
出处 《神州》 2011年第04X期46-47,49,共3页
基金 南昌航空大学第五届“三小”基金项目.
关键词 课外活动 体育专业 网球 俱乐部 创建 Activity after class physical education tennis club foundation
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