应用气体扩散理论, 给出水氡异常变化与体积应变的近式关系式, 式中证明由于气体的扩散效应, 水氡异常变化对体积应变量相当于105 的放大作用, 这可能是形成异常的主要原因, 同时结合丰满水氡异常对其进行了探讨。最后应用氡气的蜕变理论, 讨论了丰满水氡异常曲线陡升缓降的物理过程。
Making use of theory of gaseous diffusion, the approx imate relation between anomaly variation of water radon and bulk strain has been given in this paper It has been proved th at the effect due to gaseous diffusion causes water radon anomaly, and the variation can be amplified 105to relative bu lk strain Meanwhile, physical process sharp rising and slowly falling for anomaly curve of water radon is disc ussed by means of the theory of radon decay
Seismological Research of Northeast China