2Stanton, Sarah; Banham, Martin (1996). "Middle East and North Africa" . Cambridge paperback guide to theatre. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. p;?241, ISBN?0-521- 44654-6.
3Ward, A. C. (2007). Specimens of English Dramatic criticism. Read Books. p. 1.
4Kuritz, Paul (1988). The making of theatre history: PAUL KURITZ. p. 305. ISBN 978-0.13-547861-5.
5Stanislavski, Constantin (1987). My Life in Art, RoUtledge. SBN, 13:9780878305506.
6Stanislavski, Constantin (1978). An Actor Prepares. Theatre Arts Books, IVY. p. 253, ISBN 0'87830-001-5.
7American Masters; PBS.ORG. (12/27/1997)Group Theatre: About the Group Theatrehttp://www.pbs.org/wnet/americanmasters/episodes/group. theatre/about.the-group-theatre/622/.
8Cole, Toby & Chinoy, Helen Krich (1970). Actors on Acting. Crown Publishers, NY. P. 541.
9Strasberg, Lee. (1988). A Dream of Passion: The Development of the Method. Plume, NY. p. 44.
10Stanislavski; Constantin (1978). An Actor Prepares. Theatre Arts Books, NY.p. 254. ISBN 0-87830,001-5.