

Synthetic Method of Multiple-source Data Applied to the Study of Individual Creativity
摘要 针对目前利用多源数据的测量方法,指出现有研究方法存在的问题和可能导致的结果偏差,提出应对测量同一事物(构念、变量)的多源数据进行合成,并基于量表信度和结构效度检验的思想,给出其合成的合理性和可行性,探讨来自不同测评方所含信息的权重设计,并以变革型领导和个体创造力的研究为例进行分析. In order to integrate the data information from multiple sources, this paper suggests an approach to produce a multiple-source measurement variable based on the principles of reliability and validity. Firstly, we discuss the rationality and feasibility of the synthetic method; then we explore the approaches of determining weights; finally, we apply the synthetic method of multiple-source data to the study of transformational leadership and individual creativity.
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期76-83,共8页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 中国科学院研究生院院长基金(085101UM03)
关键词 多源数据 合成方法 信度分析 结构效度 因子分析 个体创造力 multiple-source data synthetic method reliability construct validity factor analysis individual creativity
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