

Profiling analysis of differential gene expression between breast cancer cell sublines with high- and low-metastatic potential
摘要 目的应用基因芯片技术观察高低不同转移特性乳腺癌细胞亚株的基因表达差异,以筛选乳腺癌骨转移相关及候选基因。方法提取乳腺癌细胞亚株A2和c6的总RNA20μg,用逆转录Cy5和Cy3荧光标记成cDNA探针,与含有7458个基因的人基因表达谱芯片进行杂交,杂交信号用Generation III arrayscanner扫描,用Imagequant5.0、ArrayVision6.0软件分析和处理数据。结果2个细胞亚株发生显著性表达变化的基因有767个,与A2比较,在c6中上调表达的基因有480个,下调表达的基因有287个。其中包括与细胞骨架结构相关的基因、与细胞生长及增殖调控相关的基因、以及与细胞氧化张力应激反应相关的基因。结论cDNA微阵列法可用于筛选乳腺癌骨转移相关基因,获得的差异表达基因具有较强的代表性。 Objective To establish variant cell sublines expressing green fluorescent protein with high- and low-metastatic potential, and investigate gene expression profile in these cell sublines in order to find new candidate genes related to metastasis of breast cancer to bone. Methods Twenty μg total RNA of MCF7 cell sublines A2 and C6 was extracted, purified to mRNA and then reversely transcripted to cDNA probe which labeled with Cy5 and Cy3 fluorescence respectively. The two samples were hybridized with the cDNA microarray chips containing 7458 human target genes. The hybridization signals were scanned by Generation III array scanner and obtained data were analyzed using Imagequant 5. 0 and Array Vision 6. 0 software. Results There were significant differences in gene expression between A2 and C6 cell sublines. Among the target genes, 767 differentially expressed genes were identified. As compared to A2,480 of 767 differentially expressed genes were up-regulated and the remaining 287 were down-regulated. Conclusion There were different gene expression profiles between high- and low-metastatic potential cell sublines. These genes may nrovide important clues for finding genes related to metastasis of breast cancer to hone.
出处 《中华实验外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期670-672,共3页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery
关键词 乳腺癌 转移 CDNA微阵列 基因 Breast carcinoma Metastasis cDNA microarray Gene
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